Do you think the cost of a dental cleaning in Calgary is expensive? outrageous? or could you care less about the cost
because your health and teeth are worth it?
If you think the cost of a dental cleaning is high, then you will find the cost of treating gum disease by a periodontist, or having one cavity repaired with a filling outrageous!!
For some of you reading this- you are going to question “who would not spend money having their teeth cleaned?” This blog is not for you – you already get it. Your teeth and overall health are important, you would go without cable tv if you had to in order to afford dental cleanings. You probably drink your coffee through a straw so your teeth do not become stained. You take the Dr.Oz quiz “ How clean is your mouth” and you ace it!! You brag to co-workers about the wonderful flossing grade your dental hygienist gives you at your appointments. Or maybe you have dental insurance and have never given a second thought to the cost of a dental cleaning.
This blog is for those that value their oral health but don’t believe they can afford dental cleanings, or it is for those for those that don’t get it – yet. I want to highlight how the cost of dental cleanings can be viewed as an investment in oral health, and since your mouth is attached to the rest of the body – an investment in overall well-being. Who wants destructive mouth bacteria travelling the blood highway through the body? Yes- it is true the bacteria in your mouth causing bad breath, disease, bleeding gums loves to travel- where? to your heart, to the site of your knee replacement, your new hip – everywhere. It has been linked to pre-term delivery of babies (1).
I suggest looking at the cost of preventative dental cleanings over a year, rather than on a per visit basis.
If you neglect your oral health, your teeth and your gums – you will pay for it at some point. Perhaps it will be in terms of bad breath, bleeding gums, decayed teeth, tooth abscesses, loss of teeth, time missed from work due to dental pain and emergency dental appointments, or maybe you will end up struggling with ill-fitting dentures and not being able to chew your food properly. Does this sound horrible? it should…and I haven’t even touched on the overall health conditions that are linked to gum disease. Hygienists provide oral cancer screenings. When was the last time your medical doctor checked the tissues inside your mouth?
Why do I say this? I hear comments and concerns from public that the costs of basic dental care, including examinations, xrays and dental cleanings can be prohibitive. Dental Hygiene Clinics can help to ease the financial cost of prevention and treatment of gum disease, and keep healthy mouths healthy! You see the same Registered Dental Hygienists at Lifetime Smiles Dental Hygiene Clinic that you would see in dental clinics. You can also keep your diet in mind for an outcome of oral health. Inflammation plays a keey role in both gingivitis and periodontitis – read more about nutrition and inflammtion.
We answer many questions about the cost of dental cleanings. The cost generally works out to $35 month for 2 professional dental cleanings a year. There are those that do such a great job with their home care that the cost is less ( yes, it is true some people do actually floss daily- it is not a myth). This is without any type of reimbursement from your dental insurance or health spending account (if you have either). Obviously treating active gum disease is going to cost more, as is treating cavities and other dental conditions. The cost for childs dental cleaning is less.
I see patients that are wearing implant supported dentures for dental cleanings. No teeth remaining. I unscrew the denture attachments- remove the dentures and then clean the build up from around the implants. So even people with out teeth remaining still need to see dental hygienists! These patients could tell you what teeth are worth- or sorry, I should say they can tell you what the cost is to replace ill-fitting dentures that floated around in their mouths. One woman told me she has spent the equivalent of 2 automobiles on achieving dentures that fit well ( attached to dental implants), that allow her to chew properly, eat and speak in front of others with confidence knowing that her dentures are not going to move around or make a clicking noise.
What could you trade each month that costs $35, to cover the cost of 2 dental cleanings a year? What are your teeth worth? What is your overall health worth? I would love to hear from you. I could easily go without Sushi..well maybe not easily.
Want a payment plan at our clinic? no problem- just ask. What if $35/month is still not feasible? There is assistance for low-income groups in Alberta for dental treatments, for children, and emergency dental treatment resources. Lifetime Smiles Dental Hygiene clinic sees children under 3years of age for their first visit at no cost. Ask us if your need dental help – we are a very resourceful group.
Journal Reference:
- Y. Fardini, P. Chung, R. Dumm, N. Joshi, Y.W. Han. Transmission of Diverse Oral Bacteria to Murine Placenta: Evidence for the Oral Microbiome as a Potential Source of Intrauterine Infection. Infection and Immunity, 2010; 78 (4): 1789 DOI: 10.1128/IAI.01395-09
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