Developing a correct daily flossing habit, the how and why

Developing a correct daily flossing habit, the how and why

Flossing is an important part of your oral hygiene routine. In addition to brushing; flossing nightly can reduce gum swelling, bleeding and gingival sensitivity. Though forming a lasting habit is the hardest part!

Why floss?

The short answer? It helps keeps dental visits short, cheap and painless.

The long (ish) answer? Biofilm! (Cue thunder and lightning) Is evil (muahahahaaa!). Biofilm is a bacterial slim layer that adheres to surfaces in the mouth. The gum line, if left undisturbed (mostly while sleeping) is where biofilm concentrates and forms Plaque, which combines with minerals in saliva and hardens into Tartar (responsible for that lovely “scraping” sound). Proper brushing alone will get rid of most biofilm and plaque, though residual bacteria is left between the teeth and gums. Flossing will keep the bacteria count low and mechanically disturb bacterial biofilm between the teeth and in the Sulcus (the gum pocket surrounding the tooth surface) reducing gum swelling and chronic infection.

Please remember there is a proper technique to flossing! See the correct way via demo video below:


How: One way I urge clients to develop a flossing habit is thought repetition. Start with a measurable and attainable goal (eg. flossing 3x weekly). Once said goal is attained, start adding a day per week until it’s a nightly habit. Easier said than done right? Each person is motivated in different ways. Only you know you best, so do what works!

Hope this helps and happy flossing!