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Free Oral Health Care checks for babies 6 months to a year old in Calgary

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Child is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to eradicating Early Childhood Caries (ECC), the most common of childhood chronic diseases. Our purpose is to conduct research, teach prevention, and promote diagnosis and treatment of ECC world wide.

A FREE Infant Oral Health CHECK: for babies 6 months to a year old, was held on Sat. July 24, 10 am to 2 pm, Southcentre, Centre Court, Calgary.67 infants were seen at the event. Besides the free assessment parents were given information, infant gum wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste and Vitamin D samples.The Society would like to thank the three pediatric specialists and the two general dentists as well as hygienists and assistants for their time, which was volunteered.The Society would also like to thank Henry Schein Arcona and Dr. Georgie Rosenbaum for their donations of products for the “loot bags.”Baby Bottle Decay can lead to all sorts of problems — health, development and behavior — in babies, children and adults. Remember, if we can identify Baby Bottle Decay early enough, at ages 6 months to a year, we can easily stop it from ever being a problem in your baby’s life.Society for a Healthy Mouth Healthy Child (Alberta) is a non- profit, charitable society focused on the oral health of children. We’re trying to get the word out about Baby Bottle Decay — what Dentists call “Early Childhood Caries” or “ECC”.

Another FREE Infant Oral Health CHECK:

for babies 6 months to a year old is
planned for the late fall

see website for more information


 *Sept 29,2010 Update – see article on Healthy Child featured in Calgary Herald