Just bill my dental insurance. Why Not?

There is high administration cost for dental hygiene clinics to directly bill dental insurance companies ins claim

Dental Hygiene clinics are still a relatively new concept, despite the fact that legislation was changed in Alberta several years ago to allow Registered Dental Hygienists to achieve this. You could say it is still an unknown concept by the majority of Canadians even.

Lifetime Smiles Dental Hygiene Clinic wants to make it as easy as possible for individuals to arrange treatment, and handle the financial process. Therefore we do directly bill to dental insurance companies, when provided with valid dental insurance information, and to companies that will reimburse the hygienist. Some dental insurance companies require that the individual pays up front and submit a claim for reimbursement.

We make every effort to ensure all the forms submitted are processed efficiently. The are only a few companies that allow dental hygiene clinics to submit claims electronically – remember this is still a new concept and it has involved changes for insurance companies as well. Unlike dental clinics, the majority of our claims are made by paper and carried by snail mail.

As you can see in the photo- we have had so many issues with dental insurance companies paying the patient instead of our clinic- we have resorted to attaching a “flag” to the claims. There are still problems. Dental insurance companies still make mistakes- and send a cheque to the patient, or directly deposit the money into the patient`s bank account despite the fact that the submitted claim clearly states the subscriber has assigned payment to the hygienist.

What does this mean for us?  We have to make phone calls when payments don`t come in on time. The privacy act limits the information the insurance company will disclose. We have to resubmit forms to insurance companies by snail mail, phone patients, and do our best to track down payments. This takes time to process and correct , adding to the cost of doing business. This drives up fees.

Why do I write this?  in the hopes that more individuals will understand the effort we make to directly bill a dental insurance company, and understand why clinics need financial policies. Unfortunately, all it takes is a few individuals who are reimbursed by the insurance company incorrectly – and who do not then forward payment to the hygienist owed- to ruin it for everyone. And there are individuals who are “upset” when we have to make several calls to achieve payment from them. They feel we have somehow not been competent in handling their paperwork.

This is why many dental clinics will not directly bill – they do not want this extra work, and as a business that also have staff and overhead costs, can`t carry the high accounts receivable typically associated with this way of doing business.

We are happy to extend this courtesy to our patients, and keep in mind if the insurance company makes a mistake- extend a courtesy to us and clear up outstanding balances as soon as possible.

Thanks, and feel free to discuss payment policies with us. Our goal is that the cost of dental hygiene treatment not be a barrier to oral health. We did not raise our fees this year, and do not plan to do so next year. Please help us in achieving this.

Signed, SEALED, & Delivered : For Children & Adults

Seal Out Tooth Decay before It Happens!

How can you prevent yourself or your children from getting cavities? it’s easy SEAL THEM OUT… with Sealants!

Do you remember why your dental hygienist or dentist put sealants or more commonly known as “white coats”, “clear paint” or “protective paint” on your back teeth when you were younger? Has your dental hygienist or dentist recommended having them placed? If so, you might be asking; what are sealants anyway?

The main and most important reason for getting sealants is to avoid tooth decay. They are thin, plastic coatings painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth… because our back teeth are primarily used for chewing; the chewing surfaces are rough and uneven surfaces with pits and grooves. Toothbrush bristles cannot get into the tiny pits and grooves of these teeth so germs and food can get stuck for a long time causing a cavity to form if not prevented.

Sealants are put on in dentists’ offices, dental hygiene clinics, and sometimes in schools. They are painted on as a liquid and quickly harden to form a shield over the tooth. A special light is often used to “cure” the liquid.


Do you know if you have any sealants now? Are they in good condition? Do you or your children need sealants?

Visiting your dental hygienist and/or dentist can help determine and exam when, and on whom will need sealants. Going in for your regular dental cleanings and check-ups will let us and YOU informed.


Having sealants placed on teeth before they decay will also save time and money in the long run by avoiding fillings,root canal treatment, and  crowns (also called caps) used to fix decayed teeth. Sealants are simple and painless and can last many years!!

Some dental insurance plans cover the cost of sealants. Check your dental health care booklet or call your insurance company for details!


What else can you do to protect against decay?

Yep, you guessed it… with proper oral hygiene care of daily tooth brushing and flossing which can help prevent tooth decay. Pit and fissure sealants are most commonly placed on molar teeth. These back teeth are harder to get at, especially with toothbrush they need the extra protection to keep the germs out! That is why sealants cover the chewing surfaces of the back teeth and help making our daily routine of proper oral home care a bit easier.

Call us to ask questions about preventative sealants- we are happy to share information to prevent tooth decay! (403)457-2044

Canadian Dental Hygiene Mission

gift from the heart dental hygienists volunteer 2012Hygienists in Canada are participating in a wonderful event, help us to share a Gift from your own Heart this Valentine’s Day by spreading the word of what we’re trying to do.


It all started with Bev Woods – Ontario Dental Hygienist and founder of the event – who wanted to bring public awareness to the overwhelming number of Ontarian’s unable to afford oral health care. This lead to the annual event Gift From The Heart.

This is the third year for Lifetime Smiles Dental Hygiene Clinic to participate in the event Gift From The Heart .
I have participated in providing volunteer dental treatment in the past. After returning from a rewarding experience in Venezuela I decided that I could do more locally with the same amount of invested time and resources. Don’t misunderstand, travelling to another country to treat populations in need is worthwhile. Many children in Venezuela benefited from the treatment of the mission I participated in. That being said there are many in Canada that cannot afford even basic dental hygiene services.


I decided I wanted to participate in “local” dental missions. I knew for the same cost of travelling to another country I could reach and provide treatment to more individuals by staying local. I contacted Bev Woods regarding her initiative Gift From the Heart and offered to mobilize Dental Hygienists in Alberta. The Ontario Dental Hygiene Association, and Bev Woods have always had the goal in mind that this event would spread across Canada, and it is now doing just that. I am so pleased that Lifetime Smiles Dental Hygiene Clinic can join the efforts with this group of giving health care professionals and provide treatment in Calgary and Claresholm. The dental hygienists that have been involved for past years have experienced first hand the overwhelming numbers of underserviced, and negelcted individuals for whom dental treatment in Canada is unachievable.  
Due to the efforts of Canadian dental hygienists on national and provincial levels, government changes have occurred that now allow Registered Dental Hygienists to open their own clinics. It is in these clinics on February 9, 2013 that Canadians in need will benefit from this Gift From The Heart.
 This event brings attention to the fact that despite Canada’s favorable economy there are many for whom dental care just does not fit into their budget, or parents who go without so children can have treatment. I am not referring to the cost of root canal treatment or a dental crown, but basic dental hygiene care. The dental hygiene preventative services that help achieve a level of oral health, prevent more serious dental problems, and are essential to whole body health.

Everyone in Canada deserves access to care. Just imagine what a toothache feels like..a toothache that keeps you up all night…and now just imagine it is a young child in this kind of pain…we don’t want to. Dental Hygienists want to share the gift of prevention.

 You don’t have to be a dental hygienist to help. Many hands make light work.

 What can you do?

contact a participating clinic and ask what they need (they may need posters distributed, or a shot of caffeine on February 9th)

-help spread the word, tell others, share on facebook, twitter, email

-tell us how you can help

There are many ways you could help. Just ask…you’ll be glad you did!!


Sally Lloyd,RDH

Lifetime Smiles Dental Hygiene Clinic




2014 UPDATE – February 8th is the date for 2014

2013 marks the fifth year for this event – – there are clinics participating in Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia- please go to http://www.giftfromtheheart.ca/2013-gfth-locations.html   to see if a clinic in your province is listed. Scroll all the way to the bottom to see Alberta!


How clean is your mouth..?

Take the test from the DR OZ  show


Dr oz  is doing a wonderful job understanding the importance in your oral health  follow the link and answer a couple of questions you may be surprised with what you learn.

disclaimer: please note that this information was taken off the doctor oz show. This quiz was not made by us and is property of the DR OZ show we are just providing the link

Can good oral hygiene save your life

Dr Oz sees the connection now is the time for you to see it.

Our mouth is the opening into the rest of our body and it is important that you
understand when we are asking you about your “medical history” we are
doing this to understand your body.  “Research shows that individuals
who have moderate or severe tooth decay and gum disease tend to have a
higher incidence of systemic health problems. According to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, research has indicated a
potential link between periodontal disease and lung infections,
stroke, diabetes, heart disease, low birth weight in children, and
premature labor. For example, individuals with diabetes and
periodontal disease are faced with increased difficulty in achieving a
good blood glucose level.” Bacteria in our mouth enter our circulatory
systems through the blood vessels. Your Mouth is a gateway to your
body” It very important to keep good oral hygiene to help prevent the
spread of bacteria to the rest of our body. KEEP your mouth cleaned
through dental cleaning and proper home care.

follow the link for more information:


disclaimer: please note that this information was taken off the doctor oz show. This infromation was not made by us and is property of the DR OZ show we are just providing the link