Stephanie Lehmann

How clean is your mouth..?

Take the test from the DR OZ  show

Dr oz  is doing a wonderful job understanding the importance in your oral health  follow the link and answer a couple of questions you may be surprised with what you learn.

disclaimer: please note that this information was taken off the doctor oz show. This quiz was not made by us and is property of the DR OZ show we are just providing the link

Can good oral hygiene save your life

Dr Oz sees the connection now is the time for you to see it.

Our mouth is the opening into the rest of our body and it is important that you
understand when we are asking you about your “medical history” we are
doing this to understand your body.  “Research shows that individuals
who have moderate or severe tooth decay and gum disease tend to have a
higher incidence of systemic health problems. According to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, research has indicated a
potential link between periodontal disease and lung infections,
stroke, diabetes, heart disease, low birth weight in children, and
premature labor. For example, individuals with diabetes and
periodontal disease are faced with increased difficulty in achieving a
good blood glucose level.” Bacteria in our mouth enter our circulatory
systems through the blood vessels. Your Mouth is a gateway to your
body” It very important to keep good oral hygiene to help prevent the
spread of bacteria to the rest of our body. KEEP your mouth cleaned
through dental cleaning and proper home care.

follow the link for more information:

disclaimer: please note that this information was taken off the doctor oz show. This infromation was not made by us and is property of the DR OZ show we are just providing the link